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Who’s there? Fucksyourmoms!

A new actor under the pseudonym Fucksyourmoms appeared at the end of the public tweets of TSB . This actor has also published a list of hashes to monitor but which have not given anything as of 2018-03-15.

Who is he? I don’t know, but here are the options I considered:

An unhappy customer?

FYM’s designation is “an unhappy customer” (His profile picture is a sad man face). is the option if we look only very quickly, the staging is rather well done, his appearance and speech leaves him to think, but I do not think so. I dismiss this possibility because this account was appeared only when TSB lacking attention and don’t tweet more. After FYM arrival, TSB never used anymore their Twitter account. One other surprising thing, despite all the criticisms FYM send to TSB, TSB never answer publicly to FYM. And all FYM messages were denigrating TSB content.

The Shadow Brokers?

TSB could be behind the account. Indeed, using the same communication platforms (Tutanota, Steemit, Twitter), the account appears when TSB is losing exposure to public opinion. There is no confrontation between TSB and FYM, despite the latter being strongly derogatory. This account could be one more element in a particularly advanced “hot and cold blowing” type of planning, particularly appreciated during destabilization attempts.

The NSA?

Indeed, FYM has only publicly denigrated TSB, going as far as to send a substantial sum of money and prove it (See “Monero Analysis”). By proclaiming loud and clear that TSB was only supplying low-quality equipment or even defrauding its customers, the account sowed a ruthless doubt in the community of buyers of this type of sensitive equipment.